Мission of the foundation

Мission of the foundation

The Kamen Chanev Foundation was established in 2021 by the tenor’s companion in life and art – the opera prima Tanya Ivanova. Kamen lost his life tragically, stricken by COVID 19, a few days after recreating in a unique way the top of the tenor repertoire – the role of Othello from the opera of the same name by Giuseppe Verdi. The loss of his life is a tragedy for the opera world, because at that moment he was at the apogee of his creative self-expression and realization. Kamen Chanev showed that he can really do anything and with his inherent modesty and humility gave the opera the best of himself.

The mission of the foundation is to preserve the memory of the world-renowned tenor, to promote its contribution and significance for Bulgarian and world culture and art history. To continue the life of a voice-message: the Voice of Kamen – a Message for dedication and uncompromising honesty to valuable art. This voice is our moral and aesthetic credo. Kamen’s voice is an extraordinary creature, as if it absorbed the best features of the voices of birds, rain and streams, clouds and people. All the melodies of life spoken in one voice. And this was not just singing, but the mystery of the divine nature of man. The voice is the soul of Kamen that is to live through the art of young artists, which the Kamen Chanev Foundation will look for and support. The activities and initiatives of the Kamen Chanev Foundation are a conscious continuation and service of a human voice that continues to live.

Тhe competition “The Voice of Kamen” is the mission which the foundation will work for.

It is held on an annual basis in the city of Plovdiv, on the stage of the Ancient Theater – Kamen Chanev’s favorite theater. The competition seeks to look for, discover and support truly talented young artists; to incorporate them into the ideas and understanding of Kamen Chanev about the essence of tenor performances. To “pass on” the knowledge of his vocal technique, the preservation of the memory of his repertoire and creative activity.

Our Cause

търсенето, откриването, представянето пред
широка публика на талантливи млади певци

Discovering talented young singers and presenting them to the wide public
Stimulating and supporting the working on the opera repertoire
Supporting the implementation of various creative projects in the field of music and performing arts, with priority projects related to the comprehensive development of young artists who are guided to develop their talent, and to work together in creative groups
Contributing to the creation of a society with a critical view of music and honesty to art
Stimulating and supporting educational initiatives related to raising and improving the opera and music culture of children, youth, socially disadvantaged citizens and people
Оrganizing trainings, educational campaigns and forums, conferences on topics related to the fulfillment of its main mission
Providing support for innovative presentation of opera and symphony art
Providing an opportunity for international contacts in the field of opera art
Awarding of the “Kamen Chanev Award for Honesty to Art“
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Become a contributor

Stara Zagora State Opera
Address: 30, Mitropolit Metodi Kusev blvd.
6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

News Letter